sry connection dipped: what do you hear?
First broadcast on Mayday Radio's on Wednesday 27 May 2020 between 2-4pm
Part 1: 1. Boat of Atoms in a Sea of Data 2. Night Vision Castle Adventures with Hellhounds 3. Rainmachine 4. Snails 5. (Oral Histories) 6. Scratch Orchestra arrangement 7. Zoom Chat 8. 2 9. Sunfuck 10. After nterviews w/ PPE producers & a doctor 11. Doctor Doctor, can you hear me? 12. Our Lives Meet 13. ex-Snake Charmer 14. Bottle 15. Burning Barnet
PART 2: 1. c.o.t.s.b 2. cum2feelluv 3. Cells of Time 4. idrisbiznis 5. Extraction 6. little biig 7. werid 149 8. chto proizoshlo 9. Woodland 10. Red Wax 11. SOZEB 12. Sometimes I look out and think 13. New Window 14. ROUND TABLE 15. thewindragesiceage 16. DreamscapeBullet Train 17. Walk 18. DOG BREATH! 19. ABS-R4 20. Science lab on Genshi 21. asddfhjjkhjdf 22. Ranarisonic
Contributors: Michael Bozanovski, William Button, Hongrui Liu, Henry Parkin, Caleb Pinnell, Isabel Reed and Madison Wells, led by Annie Goh and supported by Robin Buckley.
The work emerged out of a project entitled “Sounding the Margins” which involved a set of archive visits (to Mayday Rooms, British Library Sound Archive, Her Noise Archive) and related guest talks on histories of activism, protest and collective practice. The group present an audio journey which embraces experimental sound pieces, oral history and conversations between participants.
The title sry connection dipped: What do you hear? pays tribute to Ultra-red’s listening protocols and practices of sharing in careful and communal listening, at the same time that it reflects the imperfect, partial and fallible online communications as the project moved online due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Kindly supported by the UAL Knowledge Exchange Impact Fund. Many thanks to MayDay Rooms & MayDay Radio, Her Noise Archive and the British Library Sound Archive and to guest contributors: Georgia Anderson, Fani Arampatzidou, Robin Buckley, Sam Dolbear, Louise Gray, Rosemary Grennan, Chris Jones, Charlie Morgan, Irene Revell and Andrea Zarza Canova.