Joyful Militant Sonic Cyberfeminisms
Joyful Militant Sonic Cyberfeminisms:
UAL and the myth of the art school
First broadcast on Wednesday 26 May 2021, 2-5pm BST (GMT+1)
via MayDay Radio's Cytube @
This broadcast features a mixture of responses enquiring into how sonic cyberfeminisms – as the interrelations of sound, gender and technology – can be both joyful and militant. Project participants engaged in: a listening workshop (with guest artist Andrew Pierre Hart), a reading group, analysis of the cyberfeminism index, a guest lecture from a member of Ultra-red (Chris Jones) & group discussions of works-in-progress. Works have been developed which seek to be situated and grounded in contemporary political challenges, observed as UAL and art school students. The group discussed current manifestations of struggles and oppressions in the world, as well as how joy can be a contagious force for disruption and solidarity. They reflected on the current contradictions of the neoliberal art university and the possibilities of transforming it into a more equitable place. Ideas coalesced around the power of myths, narratives and story-telling as counter-hegemonic practices of critique, parody and feminist speculation. The broadcast featured interviews, audio and audiovisual works and live performances; a website holding the works will also be launched.

The broadcast playlist is available here, with each video separately available on this page:
Oliver Evans interviews Georgia Spencer:
Sohyun Han - ‘JMSCF’:
Group conversation - What does JMSCF mean to you? Why did we turn to UAL and the myth of the art school?
Neil Chikono & Vincenzo Ottino - ‘Bodily Sonic Disruption x ual: the myth of the art school’
Group conversation - Story-telling and myth at UAL
Tessa Kugel - ‘it's u!!’
Daisy Sullivan - ‘Interview with Georgia’
Alvarx del Fresno interview with Luis Vargas - ‘End Out-sourcing UAL’
Sarah Ryan - ‘where can i drop my coals to eat my yard?’
‘Gas’ by Esfinter
Group conversation - institutional critique as UAL students from within?
The second part of the broadcast was an open listening session. The audience were invited to post videos related to the topic of Joyful Militant Sonic Cyberfeminisms or other issues raised during the broadcast and the discussion continued.

The project is a collaboration between CSM BA Fine Art Year 2 students Neil Chikono, Alvarx del Fresno Mayoral, Oliver Evans, Sohyun Han, Tessa Kugel, Vincenzo Ottino, Sarah Ryan, Daisy Sullivan, led by Annie Goh. Supported by Mayday Radio