Call Out 2021
MayDay Radio is offering £300 to an individual or collective to produce an audio work that re-frames, re-presents or re-enacts material held at MayDay Rooms and on the digital archive platform Leftovers.
We envisage the work to be anything from 20 to 60 minutes in length, and could be live or pre-recorded. It could also include accompanying visual or written elements.
The work will be hosted here on our website and shared on social media as well as in our next newsletter.
The audio should relate to a collection on Leftovers. The following archives are suggestions, but we welcome responses to other archives:
– Red Therapy
– Race Today
– NEPA News/Abolitionist Struggles
– Class War/Wapping Dispute
– Gay Liberation Front
– People’s Democracy (Belfast)
We do not expect you to already know these archives, nor to spend loads of time getting to know them (for the purpose of this application); rather, we are happy to hear descriptions of a method or mode of engagement.
Within these collections, you can zoom in on particular passages or images, or treat the collection as a whole. We see the archives as starting points for wider exploration and experimentation. We are happy to see experiments with form, as with some of our previous work, but would also value proposals that make use of more conventional forms such as audio books or discussions.
We are keen to expand the acccessibility of archives.
We acknowledge this is a small amount of money so would encourage you to limit your proposal accordingly; we can also offer tech and post-production support if and when needed.
How to apply:
Please send 300-500 words with a rough outline for what you’d like to do on a PDF to by midnight on Friday 26 February. This PDF should include a description of an event or method or a perspective from which you would like to make something. Please also include any relevant links to relevant previous work if you have them.
The commission will be selected by the MayDay Radio collective along with a small advisory board. And the selection will be made within 3 or 4 weeks.